Manakavalampillai nagar was earlier called as Pirantahn Kulam Bakthavatsalapuram and poor people lived over there. The Catholics of that area put up a hut for St.Michael and assembled over there for regular prayers. One of the devotees of St.Michael, Mr.Rayappan who had a Furniture Mart at Sivalaperi helped to modify this church with tiles.
Bro. G. Arockia Samy, a Sacred Heart Brother took initiative to build a church and it came to be realized and on 10.01.1970 , when Fr. Jeyapathi was the parish priest it was blessed and opened by Bro. Adaikalam, the then superior of Sacred Heart Brothers. This church has a grotto and a hall mass is being offered. With the intention of building a new church, a stone was laid on 29.09.2004 by the then bishop of Palayamkottai. The church was built by the help of Rev.Fr.Lourdu Raj, the then parish priest of Palayamkottai and blessed by Rev.Bishop Jude Paul Ral on 17.09.2006.
Holy Eucharist is being offered every Wednesday at 7pm. On the 20th of September the feast of St.Michael is celebrated with the hoisting of the flag and concluded on the 29th of the month.