In 1958, at the time of Rev. Fr. Albert Muthumalai, the then parish priest of Palayamkottai, a piece of land of 5 cents was bought to build a church. With the support of Bro. Deva Sahayam SHJ and with the help of sacristian Mr. Deva sahayam and Mr. Packia Natha nadar, a hut with thatched roof was built and people had regular prayer services having a flag with St. Antony’s figure. When Rev. Fr. Arockia Samy became the parish priest of Palayamkottai, the church was modified with tiles roof and prayer services were conducted every night and feast of St.Antony was celebrated every year for 10 days.
At the time of Rev. Fr. Saleth, money was saved to build a church and at the time of Rev.Fr. Joakim, with the help of Rev.Fr. Soosai marian, the treasurer of Palayamkottai Diocese, the church was built and was blessed by the Most Rev.Bishop Irudhayaraj of Palayamkottai on 02.01.1991. From this small village three persons have responded to God’s call. Rev. Fr. Albert William serves through Society of Jesus, Rev. Sr. Hillary serves God and people through Holy Cross Sisters and Rev. Sr. Lawrencia commits herself to God through Franciscn Missionaries of Mary.
Every night prayer services are conducted and mass is being offered on Tuesdays at 7 pm.